Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hard Work or Think Hard Part I

Over the years, a lot of people desire to be rich and on a daily basis,they work so hard to get by with the hope of getting rich. Even, waiting for paycheck from one time-period to another gives them joy.
The joy is short-lived, when the face value on the check is less than the amount on their budgets. Consequently, working overtime or looking for extra jobs in order to meet up with their expenses will often happen which comes as a dilemma. This comes in form of a kind of vicious cycle, which can be seen as a bait.

Going round a circle is something that is very frustrating and discouraging. Now the question that comes in "IS IT THE HARD WORK "?Click Here! To work hard is good, but to be completely enslaved by the work is like jumping from a cliff of a mountain down to the level ground and you can guess what will happen next. Hence, it is not often the hard workers that get to the top of the success ladder and become the richest man in the world. Rather,there is something to be discovered,but not covered by the advocate of hard workers.

Hard workers are too rigid to change when the ship is about to go wrecked, because, they still believe in their old methods of sailing the ship. Would you sink with the ship when there are ample options to sail your ship through safe zones? The question might be Yes to some and No to others depending on what your judgment is based on. To "Yes" people, the hope of getting a better option is so certain that, they must have been pushed to the wall and there is urgent need to react to the forces that keep them in such a vicious cycles.

When these Yes people reacted to the forces, there is a determination to break up from the cycle of repeating the same process without any end results and being caged in the same financial position is really a terrible thing to do. These set of people can think and perceive that, things are not going the way it ought to have been. Hence, they are becoming to realize that hard work alone can not help them out of this cycle of financial hopelessness.Hence, they think their way out of their various financial problems...This brings the next question Is it work hard or think hard?

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  1. This statement is so very true, but to some people, working hard and bringing home a paycheck is their first priority. Is it because they enjoy working hard, or is it the sense of commitment that they have towards their family? They think hard on how to make a better life for themselves and their loved ones, but they tend to lean toward the safest way they know of making a living without any risk involved.

  2. Risk-taking separates the rich from the poor in most cases

  3. Risk taking for some indivduals is a way of life, for some it is out of the question. If you are secure in your life and with your earnings, risk taking for these individuals can be very stressful. For example, if a family of four live off two incomes and they are getting by with a little extra to spare, it is concievable that this extra would be put into a savings for a rainy day. If these individuals were to take a risk, and use their hard earned savings on something that might make them double their savings it will make them feel optimistic, but let us say that something goes wrong with the investment, and instead of making them money they start losing it, this would cause much stress among them. For them losing their life savings would be a tragedy in itself.

  4. Let's us ask ourselves these questions.

    1.Why is that l can not go beyond getting by in this life?

    2.Why is it that some people take more risks than others?

    3.Why do l like my comfortable zones?

    Ans1: Taking risking is a matter of choice. Just like,whether to eat or not is basically a choice. Risk analysis is very important as far as risk-taking is considered.

    Ans2: The drive to be financially freed often push some people to take more risks than others...Now, when you see a lion what will you do? The choice to run for life or let the lion to eat you up is purely a choice within you. People have different financial backgrounds thus, different traits are displayed individually.

    Ans3: Comfortable zones are meant for those that have decided to handover their Work-Power to those that make use of their intelligence.
